Tuesday, May 24, 2011

MITB completion!

Hey everyone,

Ive been busy completing some of my props and i will be posting them in the next few weeks or so. This is for my completed monster in the box. I used a wiper motor and a basic pvc linkage to make it as if a monster was opening and closing the lid. Its powered by a computer power supply and controlled by a picoboo -105. The actual box is a foot rest i scrapped. If you go to the top links on the side bar under youtube channel you can see a video of its completion. On the other hand my btcher table corpse thrasher is almost done just waiting for a pico boo jr to be ordered and a few final touchups. Also that handless joe prop i changed to have a zombie mask and i ordered a monster guts nerve center for it. I will make a posting when that arrives. By the way monster guts is doing a recession slash on the nerve center and i got mine for $56.00 including shipping.
anyways gotta keep building,
FEAR the reaper,